Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jory Tales from the Last Two Weeks


Jory just after he went to the potty right before going to bed tonight. He picks up a single piece of toilet paper, throws it in the toilet, flushes the toilet and says, "There's Will Turner going down in the hole."

Then he ran in and picked up a sword, placed it between two books on a bookshelf and pretended to be Will Turner taking his sword out of the books and sword fighting in one of the battles with the "ugly" guys on Pirates of the Caribbean. He kept doing this over and over.

Batman, Captain Jack Sparrow and Robin took turns saving each other in the tub.

Chewbacca was naughty to Lando Calrissean, so of course that meant Jory simply had to do the expecto patronum spell on him. Jory standing there shouting expecto patronum to Chewbacca had me in stitches.

We went on a fun and exciting rollercoaster ride in the car today. Ooooh. And we went to Geonossis to fight against the Geonossians and Count Dooku. Jory was Anakin Skywalker at the time.

Almost every single one of Jory’s action figures had to make a trip to Dagoba for some reason or another.

Jory was using the force most of the night as Luke Skywalker.

He told me a story yesterday morning that lasted about two minutes and gave the basics of the Star Wars movies with Luke, Han and Leia. Wow, what a whirlwind tour.

Right now, Luke Skywalker is flying his spaceship down a hole in an asteroid--or rather a garage with an elevator.

We were at a friend’s house on Tuesday when Jory decided Darth Vader and Batman needed to be cooked in the microwave. He put them in then later, after he’d played with tons of other things, he got them out and said, "They’re done."

He turned into Will Turner at lunch and kept repeating, "My father is not a pirate." Then after we played it for a while, I said, "And you’re a pirate too Will Turner." To which he jumped off his chair, pretended to sulk and said, "Now I’m mad at you." And then he ran into my room to "sulk." I went in there to ask why he was mad....all in the name of play....and he explains to me that I upset him, and "I am not a pirate. You called me a pirate, and I am not a pirate." All the while hiding a grin behind his supposed sulk. I cracked up.

He walks in with a phone and says he’s going to work..."I’m going to work to gymnastics. I’ll be home soon."

Captain Han Solo was having serious problems in the sand pile today as he kept getting stuck and had to have Jory save his life.

We did some simple add and subtract problems in the tub with Robin’s arms. If he has two and you take away one, how many will he have? Jory answered 1. If he has one and we put another one on him, how many will he have? Jory answered 2. We did these a couple of times. I know it’s not much, but he’s finally gaining an understanding and somewhat of an interest in numbers.

Oh, we learned of the last letters he didn’t really know. And he learned it himself by knocking W (Whomping Willow) upside down. Now he’s got both of them down cold--along with Ron Weasley and Flying Car. They’re the ones he’s been playing with lately. The first time he’s played with letters in about three or four months.

Jory walked into the kitchen and went to a great deal of trouble to get ahold of one of Grandpa’s flashlights, which he took down, turned on and immediately started a search for Yoda on Dagoba, where we obviously were. He looked all over the kitchen for Yoda, finally found Yoda’s bicycle, which was bleeding and caused some concern. Then he finally found Yoda, who seemed to be in a hurry. I had to follow him up and down the hall and into several rooms along the way before he finally allowed us to catch him. It was a fun half hour!

Han Solo got stuck somehow in a door knocker type of drawer nob, while just next to him the Golden Snitch was trying to get away and Jory was trying to catch it. (It was the other drawer nob right next door).

Things have become "nifty" these days.

We spent the entire time at the park trying to save Luke Skywalker from the sand he was buried in. Well, actually most of the time was spent going up and down and around different things trying to get to him. Then I do believe when all was said and done, we forgot the actual saving part.

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